World Film Locations: New York (Book)
Presenting a varied and thought-provoking collage of the city onscreen – from the silent era to the present – World Film Locations: New York provides a fascinating and historic look back at the rich diversity of locations that have provided the backdrop for some of the most memorable films.
Be they period films, cult classics or elaborate directorial love letters, New York City has played – and continues to play – a central role in the imaginations of filmmakers and moviegoers worldwide. The stomping grounds of King Kong, it is also the place where young Jakie Rabinowitz of The Jazz Singer realizes his Broadway dream. Later, it is the backdrop against which taxi driver Travis Bickle exacts a grisly revenge.
Scott Jordan Harris is a writer, critic and editor of the Big Picture magazine, also published by Intellect. He is a staff writer for both Film International and PopMatters.
Scenes 1-7 – 1927-1948
Scenes 8-14 – 1949-1971
Scenes 15-21 – 1972-1976
Scenes 22-28 – 1977-1986
Scenes 29-36 – 1987-1992
Scenes 37-44 – 1999-2008
New York: City of the Imagination – David Finkle
New York’s Leading Lady: The Statue of Liberty on Film – Simon Kinnear
On The Waterfront: The New York Docks Onscreen – Peter Hoskin
Manhattan Man: Woody Allen’s Love Affair with New York – Scott Jordan Harris
Cinema 16: New York and the Birth of Beat – Peter Hoskin
Mean Streets: Martin Scorsese’s NY – Wael Khairy
The Innocents: A Promised Land Within a Promised Land – Elisabeth Rappe
An elegant tribute to the films and locations that have given New York its private real estate in our minds. The contributors are so immediately readable and movie-savvy.
These insightful, entertaining essays about classic films and the role their real-life New York locations play in them remind you why the city has been the setting for some of the greatest stories in the history of cinema. New York can be anything. It's a city of opulence and squalor, of magic and gritty realism. For anyone who loves the movies and loves New York, this book is a must. For anyone who doesn't... what the hell is wrong with you?
I knew the joy of New York long before I ever visited the city. The Godfather, The Apartment and Breakfast at Tiffany's all introduced me to the cinematic scope of one of the world's most vibrant cities. This book reminds me of that joy.
Not just an invaluable resource but a great read. The sort of book you can dive into again and again, revisiting some of the most classic depictions of the greatest city in the world. The only question is this: do you keep it on your desk, atop a coffee table, or on the nightstand?