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Maha Bashri

Dr. Maha Bashri holds a PhD from the University of South Carolina's School of Journalism and Mass Communications. She is currently an Associate Professor of Communication at the United Arab Emirates University, following her previous role at Bradley University in Illinois, USA. Her research interests include political communication, technology's role in politics, digital literacy and citizenship. Notably, her work examines the convergence of mobilization, new media and gender dynamics. Presently, she is investigating the influence of media and information literacy on democratic transitions, focusing on networked movements in Africa, particularly in Sudan and their
communication dynamics.

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Journal of Global Diaspora & Media
Founder/Principal Editor Ola Ogunyemi Associate Editor Silvia Almenara Niebla and Sudeshna Roy Reviews Editor Maha Bashri
Journal of African Media Studies
Founder/Editor-in-Chief Winston Mano Managing Editor Martin Nkosi Ndlela Associate Editors Ikechukwu Obiaya, L. Lusike Mukhongo and Tendai Chari