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Txetxu Aguado

Txetxu Aguado is a professor of Spanish, comparative literature, and women’s, Gender and sexualities at Dartmouth College. His book, La tarea política: narrativa y ética en la España posmoderna (El Viejo Topo, 2004), focuses on the role that literary plays in the formulation of political and identitarian projects for Spanish civil society. His second book, Tiempos de ausencias y vacíos: escrituras de memoria e identidad (Universidad de Deusto, 2010), analyses the Spanish political context and its multiple imaginings of statehood, cultural identity and history. His most recent book is titled Sexualidades disidentes: un acercamiento filmográfico desde la prostitución y la pornografía (Dykinson, 2019).

Contact: Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Hinman Box 6072, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755, USA.

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